A DIY Smart Insole to Check Your Pressure Distribution


Three FSR’s (with voltage dividers) and an accelerometer.
Wiring xrvswdjvln


Full code of this tutorial
#define _DEBUG_  //Make sure this comes before any other includes or your board might crash

/*Please find the tutorial here: https://www.hackster.io/projects/a5ceae*/
#include <WiFi101.h> //Thinger
#include <ThingerWifi101.h> //Thinger
#include <Wire.h> //Accelerometer
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> //Accelerometer
#include <Adafruit_ADXL345_U.h> //Accelerometer

#define USERNAME "yourUsername"
#define DEVICE_ID "yourDevice"
#define DEVICE_CREDENTIAL "yourCredential"
#define SSID "yourSSID"
#define SSID_PASSWORD "yourSSIDPassword"

Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345); //Accelerometer

int x = 0; //Reset to 0 
int y = 0;
int z = 0;  

//*FSR sensors*/
#define noFSRs 3 // Number of FSRs connected
#define FSR1 A1  //Analogue ports
#define FSR2 A2 
#define FSR3 A3 

float fsrVoltageArray[3];       // The analog reading converted and                                      //scaled to voltage as a floating point                                  //number
float fsrForceArray[3];         // The force in Newton
float fsrWeightInGramsArray[3]; // Weight converted to grams

int   pinArray[3]       = {FSR1, FSR2, FSR3};    // The pin ID for the                                                    //three devices
float forceMaxArray[3]  = {100.0, 100.0, 100.0}; // Maximum forces                                                        //supported

float million = 1000000.0; // Unit for "1/micro
float conversionToKgrams = 1.0/9.80665;

long K       = 1000;
long R       = 10*K;    // R in K Ohm
long Vcc     = 5000;    // 5V=5000mV, 3.3V = 3300 mV
float voltageMax = 0.98 * Vcc; // Maximum voltage set to 95% of Vcc. Set                               //the force to the maximum beyond this                                 //value.

//Call to set up WiFi function

void setup(void) {
  thing.add_wifi(SSID, SSID_PASSWORD); 
  if(!accel.begin()) {   //Initialise the sensor 
    Serial.println("No ADXL345 detected.");
  } else {
    accel.setRange(ADXL345_RANGE_16_G); //Range for this sensor 
    thing["accelerometer"] >> [](pson& out){
        sensors_event_t event; 
        out["x"] = event.acceleration.x;
        out["y"] = event.acceleration.y;
        out["z"] = event.acceleration.z;

   /*FSR sensors*/  
  thing["pressure"] >> [](pson & out) {
    out["FSR1"] = analogRead(FSR1);
    //    Serial.print("FSR1:");
    //    Serial.println(analogRead(FSR1));
    out["FSR2"] = analogRead(FSR2);
    //    Serial.print("FSR2:");
    //    Serial.println(analogRead(FSR2));
    out["FSR3"] = analogRead(FSR3);
    //    Serial.print("FSR3:");
    //    Serial.println(analogRead(FSR3));      

  thing["voltage"] >> [](pson & out) {

    for (int FSR = 0; FSR < noFSRs; FSR++) {   

      fsrVoltageArray[FSR] = 0.0; //Reset values upon entry
      fsrForceArray[FSR]   = 0.0;
      int fsrPin   = pinArray[FSR];     
      int fsrReading = analogRead(fsrPin); 
      fsrVoltageArray[FSR] = (float) map(fsrReading, 0, 1023, 0, 5000);
    } //End of loop over FSR's

    out["FSR1voltage"] = fsrVoltageArray[0];
    out["FSR2voltage"] = fsrVoltageArray[1];
    out["FSR3voltage"] = fsrVoltageArray[2];

  thing["newton"] >> [](pson & out) {
    for (int FSR = 0; FSR < noFSRs; FSR++) {  
         // The value of the force F as a function of the voltage V is           ///computed as: F(V) = (Fmax/Vmax) * V

         float force_value = (forceMaxArray[FSR]/voltageMax) * fsrVoltageArray[FSR];

         // Three situations are distinguished:
         // 1. If V is too close to the maximum (as defined by voltageMax          // ), the force can
         //    go to infinity. This is avoided by setting it the maximum          //value as soon as it is higher than our threshold voltageMax.
         // 2. If the computed force F is too small, we set it to zero to          // avoid noise effects.
         // 3. In all other cases, we take the logarithmic value to 
         //reduce the sloop and better distinguish small changes.

         if ( fsrVoltageArray[FSR] < voltageMax ) {

           // V is not too high in this branch

           if ( force_value <= 1.00 ) {
              fsrForceArray[FSR] = 0.0; // Force is too small, set it to                                        // zero
           } else {
             fsrForceArray[FSR] = log10(force_value); // Value is okay,                                                       //take the log of                                                       //this

        } else {

           // Cap the force if the voltage is too close to Vcc (for Vcc            //it would be infinity)

           fsrForceArray[FSR] = log10(forceMaxArray[FSR]);

           Serial.print("Cut off activated for FSR = "); Serial.println(FSR);
   } // End of loop over FSRs
      out["FSR1newton"] = fsrForceArray[0];
      out["FSR2newton"] = fsrForceArray[1];
      out["FSR3newton"] = fsrForceArray[2];
  }; //End of thing 

    thing["weight"] >> [](pson & out) {

    //Straightforward computation to convert the force in Newton to the weight in grams

    for (int FSR = 0; FSR < noFSRs; FSR++) {  
      fsrWeightInGramsArray[FSR] = fsrForceArray[FSR] * conversionToKgrams * 1000.0;
      out["FSR1weight"] = fsrWeightInGramsArray[0];
      out["FSR2weight"] = fsrWeightInGramsArray[1];
      out["FSR3weight"] = fsrWeightInGramsArray[2];
  }; //End of thing
} //End of setup

void loop(void) {

Ref: https://goo.gl/ekVXYy